

I want to show Tekapo! It is a village in New Zealand and lake.
It is sometimes clear day.

 So people can see star like above pictures. And sky of around Tekapo is considered to register as World Heritage Site! People who live in the village controll lights as bright as possible for star watching easily.
When I visited NZ, I just visted north island. So I couldn't see it. If I visit NZ again, I absolutely will visite there and see it.


Blue hole

Today, I want to introduce Blue hole! It is in Belize. I think most people don't know where Belize is.

It is next to Mexico and very small county.

This is the Blue hole. It is a cave or underwater sinkhole. And it is called "the jewelry of the Caribbean Sea".But Belizians call it "the monsters of sea house".

I thought Blue hole is like Black hole.
If I visit there, I want to take a helicopter and see from it.


Yellowstone National Park

Today, I introduce Yellowstone National Park!

This is Yellow Natinal Park.This place is a volcanic zone. In the future, it will erupt and then this park may vanish. When I looled this photo for the first time, I thought picture someone painted. Because it is very strange color. I couldn't believe it is natural.

There are many hotspring and geyser. I want to see geyser someday.

This photo is just as geyser was erupting. I just watched this photo and I move.


Salar de Uyuni

 I'll write about Salar de Uyuni in Boliva. It is the biggest salt flat around the world.

 In rainy season, it becomes like mirror, so it's called "Loof of heaven's mirror" like the bolow two pictures. Also, difference in height is little, so it's called "The flattest place around the world".

 In dry season, water get dry and grid patterns appear on the surface like the below piture.

If you visit this place, you will be sure to feel other world.

Prince edward island

 Hello, I am Ai. This is the first my blog. I like travel, so I want to travel around the world someday. I'll write about "Places I certainly want to visit in my life"

I'll show you Price edward island in Canada.

 It has many beautiful places like this pictures.

This island is Anne of Greengables' model. This house is Anne's house. 
I want to live in this island.
If you have chance to visit Canada, you should visit this island.